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한국지적학회 발행기관 내 간행물
학회지 상세정보
AHP분석에 의한 에티오피아 지가형성 요인에 관한 연구
A Study on Land Price Determining Factors in Ethiopia through AHP Analysis
김봉준(Kim, Bong Joon)
pp.17~29 (13pages)
간행물명 : 한국지적학회지
권/호 : 제38권 제1호 / 2022
발행기관 : 한국지적학회
간행물유형 : 학술저널
주제분류 : 지역개발
파일형식 : PDF
The purpose of this research is to review and analyze land price determining factors necessary for establishing Property Tax Assessment System, under development by Ethiopian government. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied to survey experts (Ethiopian government officials and property valuers) to analyze the relative importance and priority of land price determining factors. The analysis result showed that the Land Use related factors had the highest importance and the highest priority with Other Factors having the lowest priority in terms of importance and priority among the 5 land value influencing factors located in the uppermost hierarchy of the stage 1.Between factors, Commercial land use among the 6 types of Land Use, Area among Geographical Features, Road Pavement ondition among Road related factors, Transportation Facility among Public Infrastructure related factors, Distance from Development Project Sites among Other Factors were analyzed as the most important and given the highest priority. Overall, Land Use related factors generally rated high in terms of importance and priority. On the contrary, Geographical Features related factors were rated the lowest in terms of importance and priority. The overall result is similar to the relative importance and priority of the price determining factors of Korea’s Officially Announced Land Price. However, since the social, cultural, and economic meanings of land in each country is different, the relative importance and priority of individual factors were slightly different between Korea and Ethiopia.